I Specialize in~

Tongue Thrust

Myofunctional Therapy corrects the improper function of the tongue and facial muscles which often manifest in a tongue thrust.  Tongue thrust occurs when the tongue pushes against or between the front or side teeth during chewing, swallowing, or speaking, rather than lifting up to the roof of the mouth.  This can negatively impact dentition, swallowing, and speech.

Feeding Disorders

Is your child a “picky” eater? Are you concerned about their growth? Does your child have difficulty chewing or swallowing.  Children can have problems with eating for many reasons.  At Wave Speech Therapy, I will help you learn why your child is having difficulty and what you can do to help.   

Autism and Social Language Disorders

Social Language impairment is characterized by difficulties with the use of verbal and nonverbal language for social purposes with those around us.  Its not just the words that we have in our vocabulary but HOW we use them.  Pragmatic language disorder is a key characteristic of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder but may co-occur with other disorders as well.  At Wave Speech Therapy I can help your child be a more effective communicator. 

Voice Therapy

Does your child frequently lose their voice? Have they been diagnosed with vocal nodules? At Wave Speech Therapy, I can teach your child to use their voice in a healthy manner to protect and prevent against vocal pathology. 

Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders

Expressive Language Disorders involve difficulty with production of language (saying words and sentences).  Receptive Language Disorders involve difficulties with understanding speech.  These can be caused by a variety of reasons.  I can help diagnose your child and provide an appropriate treatment plan. 

Speech Sound Disorders

Speech sound disorders are characterized by difficulty with production of speech.  Children with speech sound disorders may have a phonological impairment, articulation impairment or Apraxia of Speech.  Your child may be frustrated with not being understood or you may feel frustration with understanding your child.  I can help.